S1:E11/// To Leader Spool, or Not to Leader Spool

Leader material is a classic example of a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” scenario. Some anglers really care about it, geek out, and spend ridiculous amounts of time and money on finding the perfect leader for their surf application. Words like light refraction, spooling memory, and pounds per millimeter are all run of the mill.

Others don’t give it more than a passing thought. Whatever they see at the shop, whatever their buddy uses…whatever they have lying on the floor in the basement…that’s what they use. Abrasion, visibility, diameter- aren’t those things that described wood working, not fishing gear?

Toby and Jerry don’t do anything “just because,” and while the leader material they use is pretty “old school,” their reasoning and thought process of why they choose it is as serious and meticulous as for any other piece of their “kit.”

In this weeks episode, they tackle the topic of what makes a good leader material by discussing whether or not it’s “worth it” to buy purpose-made leader material- and try really hard not to throw too much shade at using fluorocarbon for striped bass.

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